Dighinala Upazila is inhabited by Bengali people including Chakma, Marma and Tripura ethnic groups.
People of other hill tribes including Chakma, Marma and Tripura belong to the ancient Mongol class.
Each of the small ethnic groups in the area has its own rich language and culture.
Similarities can be found between the Chakma language and the regional language of Chittagong.
The language of the Tripura and Marma peoples is relatively difficult and incomprehensible.
Although he speaks his own language, he writes very little.
Recently, efforts have been made to give children a basic idea of their own alphabet.
Almost all the Chakma and Marma people are Buddhists and the Tripuras are Hindus.
The main festival of Chakma, Marma and Tripura people 'Vaisabi' is celebrated on the occasion of Bengali New Year.
Vaisabi means Baishakhi, Sangrai and Biju which are celebrated by Chakma, Tripura and Marmara respectively.
Notable Entertainment Performances of Tripura Men's Doll Dance and Girls Bottle Dance.
The language, culture and food habits of the Bengalis here are similar to those of the plains Bengalis.
Bengalis include Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS